The Roundup
The end of every year at Heist Records climaxes with The Roundup, a compilation in which all the artists who put something out on Heist in the last 12 months remix a labelmate’s tracks.
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7 of 12 images

7 of 12 images

7 of 12 images

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This remix extravaganza results in a funfair of tracks which deserves a helter skelter, roller coaster ride of a cover that somehow stays on the tracks each year to reflect Heist’s simplicity. For the last few editions we may have taken the funfair side of things rather literally.
13 of 12 images

13 of 12 images

13 of 12 images

13 of 12 images

13 of 12 images

13 of 12 images

The Roundup
Heist recordings
Art direction
Graphic design